Saturday, October 25, 2014

Live for today, don't worry about tomorrow.

I am now 59 years young.  I color my hair, I try to work out and maintain my weight.  Between my eyes, I am in my 20's (or maybe 30's) but when I look in the mirror it shows a much older woman.  Today I found out that a very good friend of mine who is within 3 years of my age died suddenly from a brain aneurysm.  I have been wanting to update this blog for over a year, and have been putting it off.  I started thinking about Mary and all of the things she might have wanted to do if she knew she only had another day, week or even a year left.  Did she spend as much time with her children and grandchildren that she wanted?  Did she eat that chocolate ice cream that she might have denied herself?  I know we have to plan for the future and make sacrifices today, but Mary's sudden departure made me think of all the things I would want to do with my limited time.  So I am picking up my computer again, and making sure that my life lessons are documented for my grandchildren.  So kids, don't worry about tomorrow.  Live one day at a time and enjoy it.  Don't be anxious about tomorrow.  Plan for and be prepared for the future, but live for today, and make the best of it.

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